Treat Tuesday #36 - Menu Calendar


Today's Treat is, you guessed it, a Menu Calendar! Just as I promised. You can use Velcro dots or Magnets. I am so in love with this new Menu Calendar, it's perfect for me. I designed it using several LetteringDelights' digital graphic products. Super cute!!!! I sure hope you gals like it too. Now I will have to plan my meals.

In this month's Visiting Teaching message Julie B Beck said, “I asked several bishops what self-reliance skills the sisters in their wards needed most, and they said budgeting. Women need to understand the implications of buying on credit and not living within a budget. The second skill bishops listed was cooking." I chose to focus on the 2nd skill for this printable! Here's the quote from this month's Visiting Teaching Message which I included on the calendar, to remind us why we're doing this, everyday.
"Meals prepared and eaten at home generally cost less, are healthier, and contribute to stronger family relationships." Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.

Here's the finished Calendar with the menu tiles and sample 4x6 recipe.


Download VT Printable Sheet:
Download this week's Menu Calendar/Planner & Menu Tiles for Visiting Teachers by clicking either the links to the left or images below. The menu tiles have really basic and generic meal names. So you can either use them and make your meals the way you usually like them or just make your own tiles. I just figured I'd give you a head start. Some good ones include: Leftovers, chicken & rice, indian meal, latin meal, pizza, BBQ, raviolis, etc...

visiting-teaching-menu-planner visiting-teaching-menu-tiles

Picture Instructions: (click on the pictures to enlarge them)

visiting-teaching-menu-step1 visiting-teaching-menu-step2 visiting-teaching-menu-step3 visiting-teaching-menu-step4 visiting-teaching-menu-step5 visiting-teaching-menu-step6 visiting-teaching-menu-step7 visiting-teaching-menu-step8 visiting-teaching-menu-step9 visiting-teaching-menu-step10 visiting-teaching-menu-step11 visiting-teaching-menu-step12 visiting-teaching-menu-step14 visiting-teaching-menu-step15


  1. Print Calendar in color on white cardstock.

  2. Print Menu Tiles in Black and White on white cardstock.

  3. Optional: Trim all 4 sides of white edges off the calendar.

  4. Laminate the calendar.

  5. Add a 4.5"x6.5" piece of clear plastic or possibly cut an album page which can fit a 4x6 picture.

  6. Adhere your plastic strip onto the "4x6 recipe here" area so that your 4x6 recipes can slide in and out easily from the slot. (Change recipe cards often when you are doing each recipe.) There are tiles which include the 6 recipes which I provided here.)

  7. Add Velcro dots or little Magnetic strips to the calendar in the middle of the "weekly brown squares." I used the hard velcro dots on the calendar.

  8. Trim the Menu Tiles on the gray dotted lines so you end up with little menu squares.

  9. Add the soft velcro dots to the backs of the little menu tile squares.

  10. Add Magnet Strips to the back of the Calendar. (I added 2, one towards the top part and one towards the bottom.)

  11. Ready to gift or keep for yourself. It's actually easier to make more than 1 at a time just so you can get it done all at once.

  12. Start using your calendar ASAP!

BTW I really hope this makes sense. Comment if you have any questions.

View all Treat Tuesdays or View all Gift Ideas

Digital Scrapbook Graphics used from Seriously the cutest digital products ever and perfect for this menu calendar/planner. I just love all of their stuff. I could design using their stuff all day long. Already made Valentine's Day treat topper downloads here.

February Visiting Teaching Kit by Pioneer Party Gift & Copy - If you've ever gone to Pioneer Party you'll see just how creative Emily and her gals are. There's not just Visiting Teaching gifts, there's gifts for all sorts of occasions and even just to let the sisters know you're thinking of them on "off" days. I wish I worked there! This month's kit is a brown paper bag  gift with a cool word collage printed on photo paper which your sisters can tack up onto their mirror or fridge, to keep them thinking of the message all month long. It's of course Red, Pink and White to match this month's holiday but also includes the complete message as well as a quote from Pres. Hinckley which my husband loves to quote.

Click here for their VT gifts and here to see all the other creative gifts they have. BTW you have to see their blog too, they have an idea for each 12 days until Valentine's Day.



  1. This is fantastic. What a great idea. Thank you for sharing. Your design is so fun and appealing. I am so excited to find your sight. It makes me even more excited to go visiting teaching. Thanks for all your work. WONDERFUL sight!

  2. I love this idea!! It is sooo cute!

    Did you put the velcro on all of the recipes squares or just some of them? If so where did you get the velcro and how much was it?

    I found the magnets at walmart for 97 cents. I got the velcro dots, I think there were 100 or maybe less for $6.97.

    Very adroable!

  3. Natalie,
    Oh so glad you like it! I would be lost without Lettering Delights! :) Thanks for taking time to let me know what you think of the site. ♥ Linda

  4. Shawnalee,
    You're so nice, thanks for taking time to comment. :)
    1. Yes I put them on all the ones I really like just to make sure I don't waste any because they are expensive. :)
    I got mine at walmart too. :)
    You can also probably get at least 2 or 3 calendars depending on how many velcro dots you use for the tiles. You'll end up with a lot of hard dots so you could use those on the tiles and then 7 soft ones on the calendar just to make sure you don't waste any dots. Just an idea.
    Thanks for the price quote! I totally forgot to pot that info.
    ♥ Linda

  5. P.S. sorry about all the smiley faces. LOL I must be in a really smiley mood.

  6. Linda-

    I just had a quick question...what software do you use to create handouts? I am looking for something that will help me create digitally and I am clueless. Thanks for your input.


  7. this is so awesome! What a great idea! Thank you!! So excited to make these calendars for the sisters I VT!

  8. So I think this is the cutest idea! I have a menu I use, but it's just a lame table with my choices in there. I love this because it gives you the chose to change every week. Plus a basis of what to cook because I hate the question "what's for dinner"! Now they'll know!!

    I just have a quick question... I'm not the craftiest person and I'm confused on how to make that 4 x 5 card slot... How is that done? and then do you print this out on paper that's harder like card stock or is just the back ground paper that? And one last question... is there a do it at home laminating product or do I need to take it to Kinko's or something?

    Thank you for this idea! I just found this website today and I'm going to share the love! Thank you!


  10. This is so adorable and I am am certainly going to give this a try! I am terrible when it comes to craft stuff like this (not a talent I got) but I'm going to see if my sisters want to get together and do it with me and maybe between all of us we can figure it out! :)

    You should just start a business doing this kind of stuff because I would seriously just buy one of these from you right now. I know that isn't very "self reliant" but hey . . . I would do all the cooking on my own. :)

  11. Natalie, I just use adobe photoshop CS3. Hope that helps. There are tons of tutorials out here on the internet, just do a google search for "free photoshop tutorials" when you find the software you need. Hope that helps!
    ♥ Linda

  12. April,
    Thanks for the comment, that was very nice of you to say. :) Have fun!
    ♥ Linda

  13. Melissa,
    I totally had an old one like that and that's why I made this one, so much cuter! Glad you like it.
    1. The 4x6 slot is made using a photobook insert from a 4x6 photo album. I just cut mine up a little and adhered it in place.
    2. Eaither way! You can print the menu on white cardstock in color or print it on regular paper, trim it out and glue it onto cardstock before laminating it. It's really up to you and your supplies.
    3. I have a home laminator, which I purchased at walmart, but you can most certainly go to Kinkos and have them laminate it for you. Make sure you use the super thick kind. It will hole up better. :)
    Hope that help! Sorry I wasn't completely clear in the instructions.
    ♥ Linda

  14. NEUZELI,
    Estou tão feliz que você gosta do calendário menu. Pode traduzir as refeições e as receitas para o português por mim para que eu possa fazer um para você? Tenha um ótimo dia!
    ♥ Linda

  15. LOVE it!!
    Is there a way you could possibly email me the template so I can change around the menu options? I live in the UK and most people here don't even know what an empanada is :) I'm from the US though.

  16. Stacey,
    LOL you are so cute! & sweet to think I could sell these. I will open up a store for sure, someday. But for now you can buy some of the cute gifts from the people who already sell VT gifts (the place on the right that says VT gifts and kits). :) Plus, people wouldn't like this site so much if I were to charge for the stuff I made. I guess unless I gave them the option. There's an idea!
    I really love that you want to make these with the sisters you VT like a fun quick project and then you can chat too. Let me know how they turn out for you. ♥ Linda

  17. Thank you for clearing that up for me! I'm so excited to do this!

  18. Camille,
    Thanks for taking time to let me know what you think of the calendar. I just used Excel (or use open office) to create a table and typed in the meals there. So sorry I don't have that template file. It was really quick, just adjust the width of the columns and the height of each row to be the same and then you have a nice square. :) LOL you're so funny... I just put empanadas on there cause I know we do have some hispanic sisters out there. I still don't know how to make them though. :) But I suppose I need to learn. Good luck and have fun! ♥ Linda

  19. I have made a few of the recipes and they are good. My husband loved the noodle pizza-- good pick

  20. I just wanted to say thank you!!! My daughter is using this idea for a YW Goal too. We used to do dinner groups and had a full months menu ever since I stopped that we haven't had one and having one again will be nice we all will know what's for dinner. Thanks for sharing your idea and your super duper talent!!! If you can, the font you use is a little different than the one on the print out. What font did you use on your copy of the tiles? Thanks again!
    Casie Stevenson and ALEXIS

  21. I would love to get your recipes, but when I clicked on the link, it didn't go through. Any ideas? Thanks. Love your blog! Very creative!!!

  22. Renee, sorry about the missing link. Let me know which link you tried to click so I can fix it. Here's the link to the recipes: You then have to scroll down a bit and click on the recipes and it will open a new window for each recipe link found on or just print the pdf of all 6 recipes. :) So glad you like the blog. Thanks for your comment! ♥ Linda

  23. Casie & Alexis,
    You gals are too cute. Thanks for the very nice comments and compliments. Glad you like the site and the calendar. I actually had those tiles left over from a different calendar I created a while back which was not as cute, so I reused the tiles for my calendar because I didn't want to waste any of the velcro dots, so I don't know the font. (I know the font is way cute!) wish I knew which one it was too, so i I could have used it. I used Excel (or you can also use open office) to create a table and type in the meals there. So sorry I don’t have that template file. It was really quick, so I didn't even think to save, but just adjust the width of the columns and the height of each row to be the same and then you have a nice square. Hope that helps, sorry I am not much more help to you and Alexis. Have a great day! ♥ Linda

  24. WOW! I love this idea!!! Very cool!!!

  25. I put this project together today, and I want to thank you so much for all your hard work. I love it! I designed my own menu squares (about 60) with all the menu combinations that my family likes. My son and my husband enjoyed giving me menu suggestions to put on them. This way, we have meal suggestions that will make it a breeze to put together our weekly menu and grocery shopping list. Some of those menu ideas we had forgotten about, so we are anxious to "try them out" and put them on the menu calendar in the near future.

    You did not mention what you do with all the menu squares that you do not use for the week. My husband cut a 5" x 20" Velcro sheet that we can keep all our squares on. He hung it from a strong magnet "clippie" on the side of the refrigerator for easy access. This way, we can easily see the menu ideas and transfer our menu selections to the menu calendar.

    Thank you again for this wonderful idea! I love your website.

  26. Emily,
    Thanks for taking time to let me know you like it. ♥ Linda

  27. Sharon,
    Way to go with designing your own 60! I sometimes think it's like a game cause I just keep mine in a zip lock baggie. LOL not as creative as yours. I love that idea! I just dump mine on the table and begin "playing" I mean planning. :) I'm glad you shared what you do with your menu tiles, I totally forgot about sharing their storage. Thanks for your detailed comment, I love to see sisters using the things I make, cause it motivates me to make more stuff. ♥ Linda

  28. I just found your blog and I love it! Just found Lettering Delights too and can not believe all of the stuff that you can do with it. Very, very fun! Thanks so much for sharing all your cute ideas and projects.

  29. I really love this and will be making one not only for myself and my companion but for the 3 sisters we visit too. You ROCK!!
