Winegar IVF Journey Round 2: 5 Tips for IVF Bedrest

1. Lay on your back! Laying on your tummy is not a good idea because I imagine the weight of my organs could flatten things out in there. 😬 Maybe ask your Dr. laying on your back is so frustrating and I don’t even have to do it for as long as others.
Wow! Honestly though, lying in my bed is definitely comfier than this floor of mine, (I don’t have a laptop for special no time to talk about reasons) however I was trying to get some stuff done really quick and this was the arrangement. 🤣 You know what was awesome? When I went back to my bed it was so much comfier than I had remembered it. So it was a nice break from the exact same position on my bed. Who knew the blue-tooth wireless mouse and keyboard had that great of range! 🙌

2. Drink loads of water so you have good excuses to get up and move your body often! Seriously my back kills from all of this laying down. I used a roller a couple times to stretch it out, who knows if that was ok?

3. Keep your phone charged and headphones handy! Cause it’s your new BFF, not that it wasn’t already. 😬 But seriously so that you can; read your Scriptures, listen to Podcasts, text peeps you haven’t chatted with in a while and so you can get caught up on all of your journaling posts for your Chatbooks! Yippy! I think I posted about 100+ pics for Chatbooks 😂 (BTW get $5 off your Chatbooks by clicking that link) I’m usually behind and have to batch post.

4. Family and Friends are essential. So grateful for the help we’ve been blessed with through prayers, texts, calls, food, treats and more. I was so apprehensive at first to share our IVF journey and the emotion just was building up too much so I couldn’t handle it and just had to finally share and people are really kind and sweet. 😘 Even peeps we don’t know want to put our names in the temple and pray for us.❤️ So humbled by the love and support.

5. Make & Freeze Dinners ahead of time! Well, this might and should be number 1 but hey... that’s alright as long as you do it. You know you can actually relax if dinner is almost just ready to bake or cook instead of trying to plan things out. They will be ready to go when you’re on bedrest! Try Citrus Pear because one of my friends invited me and it was glorious. 20 Meals in 2 hrs, you can’t beat that!

Well, if you’ve had to experience this kind of bedrest, my friend calls them “Princess Days” after an IVF Transfer, first I’m sorry you had to go through this, and 2nd I wish you tons of baby dust, prayers and my faith that I know the Lord knows something we don’t know and He can bless us with the desires of our hearts when He knows it’s best for us. Don’t let satan weave his lies in your heart, mind and soul, believe me I know what they are. You are enough, you are amazing, and you are a daughter of God.

We will see what the Lord has in store for us!😘

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