Beyblade Case with Free Silhouette Cut File

"Let it rip!" is all I hear from the time they wake up until they close their little angel eyes when they are asleep. Our boys are soooo into BeyBlades right now, are yours?

So of course for Easter, we needed to think of a gift. We love giving gifts for Easter because it reminds us of the ultimate gift Jesus Christ gave us of being able to be forgiven, enable us to do hard things, and be able to be resurrected one day to live with our families and with Him forever. As we were trying to find something to gift them the Easter Bunny decided a Beyblade case for each would be glorious to keep the mess (I mean awesome toys) contained. I'm a bit OCD about having everything in its place, Easter Bunnies are so clever!

Do you know what they are? Little metal and plastic tops that spin like crazy and battle each other. I don’t mind them until, they are launched at my walls or floor because then... well the boys know, so they try and keep them in the rinks. Get a rink!

Well, the Easter Bunny got the case from the Fishing section at Walmart! The "name brand" cases were $20 and this one was $7.88. Easter Bunnies are such frugal and savvy shoppers.

You can also get it for slightly more from Amazon here.

I helped the Easter Bunny get the "Flambeau" name off the case. I used nail polish remover (use pure acetone!) and a paper towel. Super quick and easy.

Silhouette. Studio Cut File

If you have a Silhouette, I've included the Studio cut file for you, for a quick and easy project, since the Easter Bunny needed something quick to customize the case with.
I tried to cut out all of the outlines like in Beyblade real logo, and it was just a big mess and not easy at all to transfer because my machine ate it. So this was the easier version. Click the image to download the .Studio file. (that is all I had time for, and as you know Silhouette Studio doesn't let you export files in various formats, so this is the only one you get sorry. If you want it in another format, I just did a google search for the logo and found something quick.)

Silhouette Studio Cut File

Download the Studio Cut File here.

The boys loved it! What do your kids use to keep their Beyblades contained, I'd love to know because as you can see this one is already maxed out. LOL