Focus on our Power

“When we focus on our pain, we lose focus on our power.” Bre Lasley from

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Bre survived an assault on her life and her sister’s life and she has chosen to focus on her power! To share her light and experience and to give those around her strength.

When I read this from Bre it made so much sense. The adversary wants us stuck in the smoke of the past! She woke me up from my idle, Debby-Downer, self-pity and sorrowful stupor. I was soooo focused on the pain that I’m feeling from infertility and more that I’m losing my focus on my true identity, my passions, the love I DO get to feel every day from so many family members and friends, my loves, and my POWER!


  • 👩🏻as a woman
    👰🏻as a wife
    👨‍👩‍👦‍👦as a mother
    ❤️as a nurturer
    👭as a friend
    👭as a sister
    👩‍👧as a daughter
    👵🏻as a granddaughter
    👩🏻‍💻as a mompreneur
    🙏as a disciple of Christ
    👸🏻as a daughter of God! 
Seriously, where have I been?

After realizing what was REALLY going on, and seeing "things as they really are," I decided I needed to serve someone every day this week! Yes, because that's what the Prophets teach us, so we have to test it out for ourselves and see how it works, right?

"the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives." President Thomas S Monson, New Era, Aug 2015.

Please know I'm listing the things I did here so I can remember the changes it made in ME which were only possible with the Lord's help in the first place. The things others choose to do will be different, this is MY list. I was prompted, given the opp and took them when they came, might have missed some, but God is so good!

  • Sunday - Taught a Sunday School Lesson at church when our little guy was sick. I could have got a substitute but we did the swapping kids thang. Then mustered up the energy to teach that same lesson to a sweet little girl in our class who doesn’t come to church, YET. Looking into her little eyes, I felt the Savior's love for her.😍 That was amazing!
  • Monday - Got to be the "cupcake fairy" to some friends (ok they are clients too, but I didn’t HAVE too, but it made their night and made me feel like a good friend.)
  • Tuesday - Aside from #TempleTuesday, we delivered some Birthday Balloons to some amazing gals!! Dude... I used to be awesome and bring balloons to lots of peeps on their birthday (we owned a full-on HELIUM TANK just for this reason!) and then... life & satan smoke happens and I became, I suppose... less awesome. LOL Felt so great to get balloons and let them know they are loved and thought of! Dollar Store sells foil balloons for $1, holla!
  • Wednesday - Dinner for a friend who “just” had a baby. Sure it was a whole month ago but I’m telling you, the adversary throws that smoke up like it’s some kind of crazy party to distract me! Plus, when you are a living breathing human, free dinner is always welcome!
  • Thursday - Can we count the Crumbl Cookies we delivered late Wednesday @10:30pm to a friend for helping with Cub Scouts today when I couldn't help because they went hiking and "low activity" means I can not go hiking. (READ THE P.S. BELOW!)
  • Everyday - Been able to take time to connect with Heaven, tried to be present with the kids more, talking with the Hubs and just trying to be there for them, and that extra focus has brought more peace and obedience.

SO needless to say, this week I'm feeling so much better! We have the power to bless those around us, to "minister." With Friday coming up (our 17th year anniversary and IVF Round 2 blood test to see if the embryo "stuck") I'm getting increasingly anxious, I am grateful the Lord gave me the ideas and strength to go and serve so that I wouldn't have some kind of panic attack or worse. I'm supposed to "take it easy" so of course, I enlisted the Hubby's help or even make the dinner myself (cause no one wants a dinner made in a house with croupy kids anyway), but with all of that still managed to bless the lives of people we love.

Pray that I do not get distracted by all that satan smoke and I’ll pray for you too!

We all have trials and pain in life, but I know I can be better and remember what President Russell M Nelson said in the October 2016 #LDSConf

“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” ❤️

If Bre can do it, we can do it. Focus on our power! God Speed!

P.S. I just now remembered it was secretary's day and I didn't get our school secretaries anything. Dang! I meant to do something for them and totally forgot. See...sometimes I don't take the opps when I get them and then I get sad. So... tomorrow then, and just as I was typing this I ordered some CrumblCookies to take to them tomorrow. YES!