Primary Manual 2: Lesson 14 Helps

Primary Manual 2: Lesson 14 DARE TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT - Helps

Primary Manual 2, Lesson 14

Basically followed the lesson from Manual which matches up with the Google Slides. (see google slide link at the bottom of the post)

Letter from Elder Rex C Pinegar

We did print his letter and put it in an envelope because reading it from the slides was harder. (But they liked the picture of the injured dude in the hospital which was on the slides so we still showed it.) Link here.

Christ Tempted (scriptures)

Before the video I ALWAYS teach from the scriptures first, because teaching from the scriptures is so powerful and kids do get it, then we watched the mini video clip.

Christ Tempted Video

Only 1:33 (min)

During Christ Tempted Video

The rock, pic of temple & crown are a must! Just take them out as they talk about it. These additional visuals are always great. We also paused the movie to pass out a slice of homemade bread for each child when satan tempted Christ with turning rocks into bread because it was perfect and will help them remember it. Luckily it was not Fast Sunday so we agreed it wasn't tempting us in a bad way to break our fast.

Christ Tempted Scriptures Journal Page (maybe as a take-home reminder, we didn't use it but it's super cool)

Game Board PDF

I printed one larger than normal for us to play in class and then we passed these regular sized copies on cardstock so the kids could take them home to play.

Download the gameboard PDF above & these are the cards below.
Download the Question Cards PDF by clicking on the image below. Got it from We printed copies of the cards and cut them up and put them in baggies and gave it with the gameboard.

Google Slides Presentation

The kids really loved the emojis in the slide presentation! LOL

Thanks to Dave for providing it, I edited his down with some of my testimony and then edited  it down to just play the game on the chalkboard because it wasn't working right for me and didn't have time to email him to change them. I got it off Sugardoodle is where he shared it originally.

Text to Parents

Then we just sent the parents this text after class:

Hi CTR 4 Class Parents! Your kids were super awesome and well behaved today! 🙌 Today we sent a CTR game home with your kids. Your kids know the stories to the game because we taught it to them in class (you can test them to see if they remember) but it might be helpful for the rest of the fam to watch and listen too. So maybe for FHE or other night they can “teach” 😉 the lesson and play this game with some help of course. Here’s the letter & video just in case.

1. Read the Letter from Elder Rex D Pinegar.

2. Here’s the video of Christ to watch:
Read Matthew 4:1-11

We also taught them to say “get thee hence satan” cause well, we need it. 💪 Have a great week!

Hope this helps someone out there!

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