Pinewood Derby Designs & Track!

Pinewood Derby Invites, Pit Passes, Cup Cake Toppers & Certificates!

Being Cub Master Mom for 4.5 yrs means our 9yr old has actually competed in 5 Pinewood Derbies. LOL!

There is no way I'll ever be able to be in charge of a Pinewood Derby without my boys wanting to participate. How dare I even try to leave them out of it! Our 4yr old has now participated in 2 Pinewood Derbies. So needless to say we have a lot of experience in these events and decided to finally design a Pinewood Derby Invite. Sold several of these already and I always wish I could be there because they are so much fun. I'm no longer Cub Master Mom and although my boys were so sad, I was excited our Pack's new Cub Master decided to use the invites I designed. They are my fave!

Use these for a Race Car Birthday too! My son loves racing cars.


Invite gets everyone so excited! We usually pass out the invites with the cars. :)

  • Category Certificates/ Ribbons (have a list of categories to choose from, cubmaster will not have time for this!)

Cup Cake Toppers are my fave because you can get something pre-made and just pop these on!

You can use the Den Assignments or add something else in it's place.

Pit Passes always help the boys feel official, we save these for Race Day and let them fill them out and punch a hole and string through some ribbon or yarn. EASY!

I basically print it all 4x6 at Walmart 1hr Photo (except the certificates). I love it because I don't have a color printer and the photo paper is like cardstock anyways.

Pinewood Derby Manager & TRACK!

If you live in Utah County, Utah and need someone to manage the race and bring an awesome track, scoreboard & mic, we have used Bro. Nielsen and he is funny, kind and amazing! And really he makes it go smoothly and quick!
Bro. Nielsen
or email:
Tell him Linda from Pack 22 in Pleasant Grove recommended you!

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