Children's Entrepreneur Market

Our boys have been selling at the Children's Entrepreneur Markets around our area here and are always looking to earn some cash. Our oldest started selling his stuffies door to door when he was about 4yrs old and our 4yr old has been helping his brother sell lemonade, bracelets, glitter bombs and even selling toys on KSL since he was 2yrs old. Needless to say they had to figure out something to sell when their Aunt Megs told us about these markets. :) Perfect for these two!

BTW We've included 16 Kidpreneur Selling Tips at the bottom of this post, in case you're like.... TL;DR! 

 Heart eyes for this sign cause it's my fave!

Yep, he made them all by himself. He might have had me help when it was crunch time, but honestly, he did all of it. 
 He took this pic, we taught him how to take good pics of products because we know it helps sell products when the pics are gorgeous. And we got some sales from it!

You can learn anything from Youtube! It was his idea to do these patriotic bracelets to sell because he thought they would be more awesome than picking random colors. He was right! Especially before 4th of July and Pioneer Day! Perfect product! much better than typing it out I think. Just darling.  
Faust helped so much with the glitter jars, it was the thing he was selling the most and he sold some! 

Time to Sell! (1st Market!)

We all learned so many things. But most of all we learned it was so much fun and also that if you want to sell you need to yell. ;)

 We had a cousin helper for a couple hours! It's great to recruit.
Grandpa & Grandma took a quick visit to support the boys! 


2nd Children's Market!

Learned even more things here, we were trying to sell out of everything! Finn had made 7 more bracelets to sell. I have never seen him work so hard. 

If you're thinking, why isn't dad doing anything, that's because we aren't allowed to help. Unless they really need it when working with the cash, but really they did awesome on their own!

Support from AMAZING Friends!

This is his first check and he was so excited he worked so hard making 10 bracelets in 3 days!

She just became a citizen! So perfect gift, eh? 

Other Awesome Kidpreneurs & Teenpreneurs!

Ok I have to comment on this one. The very first thing I ever sold when I was a kid were homemade home sewn scrunchies! Just like these gals! My mom had just taught me to sew and the first thing I wanted to do was sell these scrunchies. LOL I sold some too! I was in middle school probably 6th or 7th grade. know I bought some!

The hubs got me a pair of her earings!

Of course the boys got a Lego Mini Fig because it's them! They used some of their earnings. 

Cutest cookie seller ever!

16 Kidpreneur Selling Tips!

  1. Choose original product(s) to sell
  2. Have inventory on hand and make it yourself.
  3. Keep change in the cash box.
  4. Accept all kinds of money: Cash, Credit Card, Paypal, Venmo!
  5. Use your voice.
  6. Say, "Hi" to everyone & let them to try/hold your product.
  7. Know your product's benefits and tell people!
  8. Keep a large trash can available. (They got a sale that way!)
  9. Bring Water to drink.
  10. Decorate your booth.
  11. Use a large tent/canopy cause the sun is hot and bring stakes so it doesn't fly away. (YES, that has happened to others)
  12. Bring chairs for Mom and Dad and the sellers just in case they get tired.
  13. Write some signs (we loved the electric sign the 2nd time, easier to see the prices and change them.)
  14. Drop prices an hour before closing!
  15. Be nice to everyone, even competition.
  16. Support peeps around you by buying something they have or maybe working a trade. 
And overall we learned about "selling things!" LOL that's what Faust says. He recommends you sell things! So go out and sell things and LMK if your kids have sold anything at the Children's Entrepreneur Market or click the link to register if you haven't tried it yet. 

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