"Social Media Fast" Doesn't Apply to Me!

On June 3, 2018, The Prophet of the Lord, President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, invited every single youth in the Church to “enlist in the youth battalion of the Lord to help gather Israel.” Doesn't apply to me though! Right?

To help you prepare the Lord for His final gathering, the prophet then asked the youth to do 5 things that would help change them and change the world.

  1. Hold a seven-day fast from social media. Take a break from the fake!
  2. For three weeks, make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord.
  3. Keep on the covenant path. If you have wandered off, immediately get on the road of repentance.
  4. Daily pray that the doors of all nations will be opened for the preaching of the gospel.
  5. Be a light. Set the standard. Give away one copy of For the Strength of Youth.

So about that 1st one SOCIAL MEDIA FAST… it’s been amazing to feel & recognize how the Spirit has been prompting me to do this too!

I've tried to find a way to disqualify myself through the many thoughts I’ve had, “he wasn’t talking to me,” or “I’m not a youth,” “I don’t even have 12-18yr olds,” “I’m not a youth leader anymore,” “I’m not even on social media THAT much” so “it doesn’t apply to me” have all gone through my head and more.

Truth is as a woman, as a friend, as a parent, as a sister, as a daughter, as a granddaughter, as a wife, as a leader, as a businesswoman, as a social media marketer, as an employee, as an entrepreneur, as a spiritual being, as a human being, as an imperfect disciple of Christ, as a daughter of God, I NEED & DESIRE to obey, to set the example of following the Lord’s Prophet! He knows something I don’t know, and I desire to obey and to know that truth for myself too.

So...I might be almost 3 months late at “following the Prophet,” but here we go!
“I will go and do the things the Lord commands!”

08.19.2018 @ 12pm

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