Welcome to the Wolf Den!

Did you know little boys are my fave?!! I think it's the reason the Lord blessed us with 2 boys. :)
So after the calling & responsibility to be the Cub Master for our Cub Scout Pack 22, they asked me to be a Wolf Den Leader. I of course accepted, I totally prefer being in a smaller group so I can give my attention to each boy. As a Cub Master, I never felt I had enough time for every boy, although I did try my best and always reached out to those who didn't come often in hopes they'd feel welcomed and attend their den meetings.

As with anything, it can be scary being the first or only person coming to an existing group, whether at church, school or neighborhood. So to help transition our newest cub I decided to try my hand at drawing and painting since I didn't have a car and didn't have any cash to get a poster printed and of course didn't have time because I was waiting until the last minute, as usual. THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMPT!

Interesting Fact: The last time I tried something like this was my Sophmore year of High School (I won't tell you how many years ago that was LOL) and I got a C for my grade. Never again did I attempt my hand at that, however, I did get the 10th Grade Sculpture Award for my gargoyle (thank you Ghost Busters!) so it made up for my lack of flat art. I am good with my hands just need a ruler whenever I'm drawing which is why I was in drafting class and not drawing class. Templates are my friend!


1st. I found a good black and white logo of the Cub Scout Wolf as a guide to follow.
2nd. Had my phone with the image on it and I drew the wolf out on the large butcher paper as best as I could.
3rd. Took the foam brush with black acrylic paint and just went over the pencil lines with black.
4th. Tried to "feather" it so the wolf looked fluffy and not just bold lines, which I would have been fine with but I tried the feathering and it totally worked. Just turn the brush on its side and go from inside the line to the outside of the wolf, in like a flicking motion. I really should have taken a video but I didn't think it would turn out so great. LOL The Lord really did compensate for my lack of skills and made it look great. I have no idea if I can do it again, so probably a good thing they released me before we could do any more of those. :)
5th. I did print his name and the welcome text on my regular sized B&W Printer, and it was perfect!
6th. Taped it to the boy's house door on his birthday for the surprise when he got home from school. (Using Blue painters tape to not ruin the door of course.)

Use one of these images as a guide:

Overall I give myself an A+ for effort and being courageous enough to try something scary and new!  And if I were grading my art, I'd still get an A, but maybe that's why I'm not a teacher. ;) I knew no matter what I did the 8yr old would love it, because they are boys and boys are so sweet and love surprises, and it helped that I included a treat too!

BTW he did love it, his mom told me later. See, it didn't have to be perfect, although I kind of thought it turned out beyond better than I could have ever imagined. I know the Lord always provides a way for us to accomplish the things He has asked of us to help those around us feel His love.