Relief Society Service Auction Ideas & Printables!

“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” Mosiah 2:17⁣

It’s the times when we serve each other that are most memorable to me.⁣ The Service Auction is a favorite.

Grab this editable invite from my shop, you can edit it super quick & learn from all of the ideas below to be ready for your upcoming Service Auction!

Relief Society Service Auction is by far my favorite Relief Society activity I have ever attended, organized and provided service in!

1. Service Scavenger Hunt

We did as a youth group walking around the neighborhood in Boca Raton, Florida #bocaraton. Looking for opps to serve our community, it was so scary and fun at the same time. Don’t worry we had our leaders with us! Yes, 2 deep leadership always, ok I really can't remember but we were safe. ;) We served people we didn’t know and people who were not of our faith. Fave activity ever as a youth! #lovelanguageisservice

This invite is an EDITABLE template! Try the demo! & Buy the Template!

2. Relief Society Service Auction Info & 5 Ideas from other Bloggers

Our congregation of women hosted one of these service auctions and sisters had to come up with things they’d do for other sisters. ❤️ It was glorious! Then in the weeks to come you could “earn points” based on things you did throughout those weeks which you could use to “bid” on service items. We got our fave auctioneer @jasonplantmba, I typed things up in a spreadsheet of course to keep track of things and sisters who won, #ilovespreadsheets, it was the best time! And then seeing the services performed and doing the service was another miracle which brought sisters together through the rest of the year. 🙌⁣ Fave Relief Society Activity EVER!!!!

Here are some things I found on Google of course!
🔎 Search: Relief Society Service Auctions or Check Pinterest for those and WOW you’ll for sure want to host one too.⁣

Just so you know I wish I were going to your RS Service Auction, I haven't been to one in a while. God speed!

A. Posters, Decor & Ideas for Auctioned Items

B. Service Auction Ideas List & Point Scale + Printable Questionnaire

Go to for the printable Service Items, and Printable Winner Coupons and List to Manage it all.

C. More Donation Ideas + How NOT to be awkward

D. Service Auction + Downloadable Questionnaire
Downlodable Questionnaire

E. Service Auction Questionnaire 2

#reliefsocietyactivity #reliefsociety#christiancongregation#reliefsocietypresidency#christianactivities#communityactivities 

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